Habitability for Redemption

My name is Hugh Ross, and I am the president of Reasons to Believe, an adjunct faculty member at Southern Evangelical Seminary, and the minister of apologetics at Sierra Madre Congregational Church. I have a bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of British Columbia, a PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto, and […]

Feminist Criticism of the Bible and What We Need to Know

By Dianna Newman, Hi, my name is Dianna Newman. I’m a graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary, having earned by MA degrees in Apologetics and Philosophy. The title of my session at this year’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics is Feminist Criticism of the Bible and What We Need to Know. I’m very excited to present […]

Five Errors When Arguing for the Existence of God

By Dr. Douglas E. Potter,  Over the years that I have been teaching Christian apologetics and theology to seventh graders through doctoral students, five (5) misconceptions regarding arguments for the existence of God consistently show themselves. My students come from both secular and Christian educational backgrounds. I would often excuse those with the misconceptions as […]

God and Morgan Freeman

Has anyone ever asked you “Who is God?” What a loaded question! The answer to this question is undoubtedly important and is intimately connected to every aspect of life; one’s belief or lack thereof will determine how one approaches foundational questions pertaining to the nature of reality, man, knowledge, meaning, morality, and purpose. I can’t […]

The Resurrection of Jesus

This is a course taught by Dr. Timothy Brown. It will equip students to explore and defend the historicity of the resurrection account.