UFOs, Aliens, and Christianity

UFO alien

Originally published here. Many people throughout history and across the world have claimed to have seen UFOs and even have experiences with what are normally described as aliens. I’ve always had a casual interest in UFOs, but with the release of three Navy videos and the Unidentified documentary, I became more interested. It is probably safe to say […]

SES Applauds Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade

For conservative-minded, pro-life folks, the repeal of Roe v. Wade is welcomed news. Those of us who fit in the first category and are also in the legal field believe that the death of Roe v. Wade is long overdue because it was simply a badly and wrongly reasoned decision. Certainly, the tenor of the […]

Four Pastoral Applications of Thomistic Divine Simplicity

Although our knowledge of God is incomplete on this side of glory, we must seek not to be dismissive of any demonstrably true formulations about Him lest we begin to think thoughts contrary to His glorious nature. One such formulation that is currently being debated amongst evangelicals is the notion of Divine Simplicity. Some, such […]

Thomas Aquinas: Christian History Interview with Dr. Norman Geisler

Originally published here at Christianity Today. In a 1974 Christianity Today article marking the 700th anniversary of Aquinas’s death, author Ronald Nash said some nice things about the deceased but ultimately judged his system of thought “unsuitable for a biblically centered Christian philosophy” and “beyond any hope of salvage.” Norman Geisler disagreed with that assessment […]