Master of Theology

120 Credit-Hours

Fully Online

Flexible Payment Plans

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Deepen Your Theological Insight with the Master of Theology

Are You Equipped to Articulate and Defend what the Bible Actually Says?

Rest assured that the Bible is unequivocally true, serving as the inerrant and perfect word of God. If you find yourself wrestling with these fundamental questions in ministry, know that you are not alone. Southern Evangelical Seminary, especially our accredited Master of Theology degree, provides the solid foundation you seek.

Among the various options for seminary training, the Master of Theology degree stands out as one of the most valuable investments you can make. This rigorous program delves deep into theology and linguistic studies, offering a comprehensive foundation for further academic pursuits. If you aspire to an academic career or teaching role in a Bible College or University, the Th.M. degree carries substantial weight, often surpassing other programs, including many Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degrees. Elevate your theological understanding and career prospects with the Master of Theology program at SES.

Become a Biblical Scholar

The Th.M. is uniquely helpful for those called to teaching or a pastoral ministry role. Many of our Th.M. students are currently serving in just such a role. Others see teaching and/or Biblical research as something they aspire to in the future. In either case, you will be hard-pressed to find a better, more robust, or thorough foundation than the Master of Theology. In particular, its emphasis on instruction in the Biblical languages and hermeneutics will give you a strong skill set for interpretation and teaching. 

Preparation for the Future

The groundwork this degree establishes would make your focus and studies in a future Ph.D. program even more fruitful and tailored to different ministry and career opportunities. Of course, the Th.M., like all of the programs at SES, offers you the opportunity to study and establish a confident framework of philosophy and apologetics. In addition, it will prepare you to understand our culture’s various rejections of the gospel and how to defend our faith in Christ in the face of misunderstanding, hostility, and persecution.

Flexible Course Formats for Your Busy Schedule

SES provides a fully immersive digital campus experience where every aspect of traditional education is achieved in a virtual environment. Many courses are live-streamed, while others are offered asynchronously (recorded) with live-streaming components. Our innovative online education can deliver the training you need in a way that fits your schedule and budget.

Our Master of Theology prepares you for academic research and ministry and can lead to future doctoral study. It is ideal for those preparing for.:

Go to the Next Level in Your Ministry Preparation

If you’ve delved into insightful works by Frank Turek, Alisa Childers, Greg Koukl, and other notable authors, you’ve laid a solid foundation. Yet, you may be at a juncture in your self-guided study where you recognize the need to elevate your preparation for defending the faith. To effectively engage the culture with the Gospel, you will need a deeply integrated understanding of philosophy, theology, and apologetics. This integrated approach is the core of every SES program and what makes SES one of the premier apologetics-focused seminaries in the country. Whether you’re seeking a degree or certificate in apologetics, philosophy, biblical studies, or something else, the foundation is the same. Good philosophy provides a solid foundation from which to do theology, and both provide necessary tools for sound apologetics. Together, all three disciplines aid in removing obstacles to the Gospel (evangelism) and in building mature disciples who live the Gospel (discipleship) and are steadfast in the truth. Choose a degree or certificate from SES to benefit from our unique integration, ensuring you’re well-prepared to engage with today’s issues and defend your faith effectively.

SES Integrated Approach Infographic

Go to the Next Level in Your Ministry Preparation

If you’ve delved into insightful works by Frank Turek, Alisa Childers, Greg Koukl, and other notable authors, you’ve laid a solid foundation. Yet, you may be at a juncture in your self-guided study where you recognize the need to elevate your preparation for defending the faith. To effectively engage the culture with the Gospel, you will need a deeply integrated understanding of philosophy, theology, and apologetics. This integrated approach is the core of every SES program and what makes SES one of the premier apologetics-focused seminaries in the country. Whether you’re seeking a degree or certificate in apologetics, philosophy, biblical studies, or something else, the foundation is the same. Good philosophy provides a solid foundation from which to do theology, and both provide necessary tools for sound apologetics. Together, all three disciplines aid in removing obstacles to the Gospel (evangelism) and in building mature disciples who live the Gospel (discipleship) and are steadfast in the truth. Choose a degree or certificate from SES to benefit from our unique integration, ensuring you’re well-prepared to engage with today’s issues and defend your faith effectively.

SES Integrated Approach Infographic
"SES provides a truly unique opportunity to examine the evidence for Christianity. It’s accessible, engaging, and relevant."

Be Equipped to Engage Today’s Core Cultural Issues with Our Master of Arts in Philosophy

You Can’t Be a Good Apologist without Being a Good Philosopher

"Apologetics wasn’t a side issue. It was the actual essence of the ministry I was doing…I’m finding out more and more how important it is to be trained in order to pick up on these philosophical problems to answer the real question at hand."

In the Master of Theology Program, You Will:

A Digital Campus Built for You

We aren’t catching up with the online education trend — SES has been breaking ground and pioneering an immersive digital campus experience for years. As a student, you'll enjoy a flexible, compelling, and connected environment for your studies. All of the easy-to-use technology you’ll need to thrive in seminary is housed in one place and accessed through a single, secure log-in. We truly take you beyond mere online education.

Collaborate with your peers through our integrated approach

Interact with world-class professors during many live-streamed classes

Conduct research in one of the most expansive theological libraries ever created

(With our membership as a supporting sponsor of the Digital Theological Library)

Learn from World-Class Faculty

At SES, you will have the opportunity to study under some of the best Christian thinkers in the world. Many of our professors studied under SES co-founder Dr. Norman Geisler, while others have their own distinguished educational linage. Each of them bring their unique areas of expertise to the classroom as well as a genuine desire to see their students grow, not only intellectually, but in spiritual maturity as well. Here are just some of the professors from whom you’ll be learning:

Provost, Professor of Philosophy & Apologetics, Norman L. Geisler Chair of Christian Apologetics

Director of SES Ph.D. Program, Associate Professor of Philosophy & Theology

Dr. Bernard James Mauser

Associate Professor of Philosophy

"In our day and age, the watershed issue is believing the message of the Bible. There are many movements and ideologies fighting to eclipse the biblical message and the foundations of true truth that undergird the authority and inerrancy of the Bible. Southern Evangelical Seminary has uniquely fought this battle by standing for the total truthfulness of Scripture in an age compromised by skepticism, agnosticism, postmodernism, social justice, critical race theory, and any other ‘ism’ that raises itself up against the knowledge of God."

Bill Roach


Courses of Interest in the Th.M. Program

Advanced Greek Exegesis

Delve into the original Greek of select New Testament texts equipped to apply your knowledge of syntax and grammar and produce your own translation. 

Hebrew Syntax and Exegesis

Sharpen your command of Biblical Hebrew’s sentence structure, nuances of meaning, and contemporary conventions that reveal the original writers’ intent.


This class will synthesize other interpretive and research skills you have cultivated to equip you for a confident approach to understanding and teaching the Bible.

Full Course Listing

AP501 Intro to Christian Apologetics or APe (3)
AP503 Logic (3)
AP511 Christian Apologetic Systems (3)
AP512 Ethics (3)
AP518 Resurrection of Jesus (3)
APe Elective (3)

PH501 Classical Philosophy (3)
PH601 Philosophy of Religion (3)

GK501 Greek Grammar 1 (3)
GK502 Greek Grammar 2 (3)
GK503 Greek Syntax & Exegesis (3)
GK504 Advanced Greek Exegesis (3)
HB501 Biblical Hebrew 1 (3)
HB502 Biblical Hebrew 2 (3)
HB503 Hebrew Syntax & Exegesis (3)

OT501 Old Testament Survey 1: Genesis–Esther (3)
OT502 Old Testament Survey 2: Job–Malachi (3)
OT703 Old Testament Hebrew Book Study (3)
NT501 New Testament Survey 1: Gospels & Acts (3)
NT502 New Testament Survey 2: Epistles & Rev. (3)
NT703 New Testament Greek Book Study (3)

CE501 Educational Program of the Church (3)
CE502 Discipleship (3)

HT501 Historical Theology: A Survey (3)
HT502 Church History 1: Beginning – 1500 (3)
HT503 Church History 2: 1500 – Present (3)

ME507 History of Missions & World Christianity (3)
ME508 Biblical Theology & Principles of Missions (3)
ME510 Culture & Worldview (3)

PT501 Homiletics (3)
PT502 Pastoral Care (3)
PT503 Biblical Counseling (3)
PT507 Expository Preaching (3)

ST501 Prolegomena & Bibliology (3)
ST502 Theology Proper & Creation (3)
ST503 Hamartiology & Soteriology (3)
ST504 Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, & Eschatology (3)
ST505 Hermeneutics (3)
ST511 Advanced Hermeneutics (3)

TH501–3 Thesis Research or
MP501–3 Ministry Project (3)

FE501 Field Experience 1 (0)
FE502 Field Experience 2 (0)

SM501 Writing & Research Skills (3)


  • Have earned a bachelors degree from an institution
    accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation, the United
    States Department of Education, or the equivalent (as assessed by SES)
  • GPA of 2.5 or above for their undergraduate program

If one does not meet the undergraduate GPA requirement, he may be granted a Provisional Admission. This requires
that the student maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA on the first semester of work at SES in order to be granted full admission.

Contact the Admissions Department with any specific questions you may have or visit our FAQ page.

A Valuable Degree with Exceptionally Affordable Tuition

Prospective students are almost always surprised to learn how affordable we keep our degree programs at Southern Evangelical Seminary.

You need effective training for ministry — not a crippling load of student loan debt. The value of a degree here pays off through your entire career and truly has an eternal value as well.

As a result, we're delighted to tell you that you'll have a very difficult time finding a better tuition rate than what we offer at SES:


per credit hour

Read more about our current tuition rates, flexible payment plans, and financial aid opportunities.


Financial Aid & Discounts

Built for Your Calling

Whether you are pursuing full-time vocational leadership or personal ministry growth, this program is designed to provide a path for your success.

Full-time Ministry

Full-Time Ministry

Christians are called to be salt and light in our world, and leaders should be equipped to confidently engage the ideas shaping today’s culture. Apologetics training is essential for breaking down barriers and effectively leading others. As you pursue God’s calling on your life through ministry, a seminary education will maximize your impact.

Personal Ministry

 If your personal study hasn’t yielded the growth you’re looking for, formal training can equip you to answer hard questions and present the truth in love. Being grounded in apologetics prepares you to be fruitful in all aspects of your personal ministry. Our apologetics program offers structured training you need to share the faith and defend truth in everyday life.


Ready to Apply Now?

Start the admission process today. You can begin in just a few minutes by filling out our initial application and it will open the door for us to have an exploratory conversation about your educational priorities and hopes for ministry. We have an entire team at SES who is ready to help you in the process of discerning your gifts and calling to ministry so you can engage our culture in the conversations that matter the most.

See the Vital Need for Apologetics-Focused Education

Engaging real-world issues for the sake of the Gospel

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Compare the Th.M. with Other SES Degrees

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Christian Apologetics & Theology


This seminary-level degree will take your apologetics training to the next level by layering in important theological study

Master of Divinity (M.Div.) in Apologetics


For a more traditional seminary degree with an apologetics focus, this M.Div. may the right path for your future ministry

Apologetics-Focus Graduate

Master of Divinity (M.Div.) in Biblical Studies


Add a deep knowledge of the original languages to your more traditional seminary degree with this M.Div. option