Did God Cause the Coronavirus Pandemic? If Not, Why Did He Allow It?

In the last month I have been asked with great frequency, “Did God cause the Coronavirus pandemic. If not, why did He allow it if He is indeed omnipotent?” Whenever we seek to answer such questions, we must first express our humility, remembering the Apostle Paul’s admonition, “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom […]

Why Are We So Shocked by the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Question: Why are we so shocked by the coronavirus pandemic? Answer:  As I was surfing the internet the other day, I came across a title that arrested my attention. It read, “Global Deaths: Jan. 1-March 30, 2020” on worldometer.info. As I scrolled down the list, I was shocked by the numbers. Here they are (at the […]

How should Christians respond to the coronavirus pandemic?

First, as Christ-followers, we need to remember that our God is a “refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble” (Ps. 46:1). God has not given us a spirit of fear. We should not panic. Our Heavenly Father is still the all-knowing, ever-present, omnipotent God. Second, we need to pray for all […]