Contested Bones: Is There Any Solid Fossil Evidence for Ape-to-Man Evolution?

By Dr. John Sanford (Cornell University), and Chris Rupe (Feed My Sheep Foundation), At the 2016 National Conference on Christian Apologetics, Dr. John Sanford will be discussing the claims of ape-to-man evolution. Join Dr. Sanford, and 60+ speakers, as we discuss many other topics relevant to the Christian faith and its truthfulness, October 13-15. Since […]

When Early Christians Walked the Earth

Hi, my name is Del Potter and I am set to graduate this coming spring with an MA degree in Christian Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary. The title of my presentation at this year’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics is:   When Early Christians Walked the Earth.    Have you ever wondered if early Christians walked the […]

The Cell’s Design

Greetings! My name is Fazale “Fuz” Rana. I’m the vice president of research and apologetics at Reasons to Believe. The focus of our ministry is to demonstrate how the latest advances in science provide ongoing evidence for God’s existence and the reliability of Scripture. I’m going to present two papers at this year’s National Conference on […]

God in the Mirror: God, Man, Jesus, and Sin in the New Age

My name is Marcia Montenegro. I’m a graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary, having earned an MA degree in Religion. The title of my session at this year’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics is “God in the Mirror: God, Man, Jesus, and Sin in the New Age.” As a former New Ager for many years prior […]

Fall Course Offering: The Pentateuch

What is  the relationship of the Old Testament with the New Testament? Has the New Testament rendered the Old Testament void? Why wasn’t Moses able to enter the Promised Land? Why are there so many laws given to Israel? Who is Melchizedek, and why he is he in the Bible? Did angels breed with humans […]