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Gender: Scriptural Authority and Reality

“The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the works of His hands” (Psalm 19:1).  No place on earth exists where the unspoken words of the natural creation are not seen, thus no place exists where the invisible attributes of the Uncaused Causer, and the Undersigned Designer cannot be deduced.  Humanity is without […]

Structure of Dinosaur Collagen and the Age of the Earth.

This fall I will be presenting at the 2016 National Conference on Christian Apologetics. My two topics are “The Cell’s Design” and “Dinosaur Blood and the Age of the Earth.” One of the most provocative pieces of evidence young-earth creationists cite for a 6,000- to 10,000-year-old Earth is the discovery of soft-tissue remains in a […]

Five Errors When Arguing for the Existence of God

By Dr. Douglas E. Potter,  Over the years that I have been teaching Christian apologetics and theology to seventh graders through doctoral students, five (5) misconceptions regarding arguments for the existence of God consistently show themselves. My students come from both secular and Christian educational backgrounds. I would often excuse those with the misconceptions as […]

Update from #SBC16

By Dr. Richard Land,  This article originally appeared in the Christian Post under the title “What Made the 2016 Southern Baptist Convention Historic?”  The Southern Baptist Convention, America’s largest Protestant denomination, met this week (June 14-15) in St. Louis in what turned out to be one of its most memorable annual meetings. Southern Baptists, with nearly […]

Romans 1 and Man’s Knowledge of God: A Response to Fred Butler

By Adam Tucker, A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of participating in a cordial dialog with Fred Butler, of Grace to You Ministries, on the merits of classical vs. presuppositional apologetics. The original discussion can be found here. I appreciated the respectful nature of the discussion, and I think a lot of important […]