There is a remarkable passage of Scripture found in the fourth chapter of the book of Revelation. It is notable for many reasons, but perhaps its most extraordinary feature is that the Apostle John peers through the open door of heaven and reveals to us what many scholars label as the first recorded worship service […]
Bragg’s Folly
The talking heads are still exploding all over the media, trying their best to figure out how in the world Donald Trump was elected to the presidency. Even those who supported Mr. Trump cannot fully explain what occurred in the minds of the majority of the electorate. It also certainly goes without saying that those […]
Apologetics in the Heavy Truck Business
When you think of someone earning a doctorate at a seminary, what comes to mind? A pastor maybe? Or a missionary? Tom does have experience in the mission field, but largely uses his SES degree at work—as a business development manager in the heavy truck industry. His role covers two-thirds of the U.S. “It’s yielded […]
Science Teacher: “There’s a Great Hunger for the Gospel”
Twenty years ago, Dan enrolled at SES as a relatively new Christian after gleaning from Dr. Norm Geisler’s “fountain of knowledge” on the Bible Answer Man program. Around the same time, Dan left his corporate job as vice president of engineering and started teaching high school science while pursuing his master’s from SES. With degrees […]
Beyond Online Education
One of the most pivotal and intriguing moments in human history took place in mid-15th century Germany. I have always wondered what it would have been like to be there for the Gutenberg moment, when the printing press made its dramatic entry into the world. Everything changed. Once the printing press was invented, making mass production […]
Moving Traditional Seminary Training Beyond Online Education
The year 2020 has brought new challenges and concerns to many institutions of higher learning as they wrestle with the role online education plays within their educational context. With new challenges comes the opportunity to carefully consider unique solutions. At Southern Evangelical Seminary and Bible College (SES) we have come together to think carefully about […]