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Contested Bones: Is There Any Solid Fossil Evidence for Ape-to-Man Evolution?

By Dr. John Sanford (Cornell University), and Chris Rupe (Feed My Sheep Foundation), At the 2016 National Conference on Christian Apologetics, Dr. John Sanford will be discussing the claims of ape-to-man evolution. Join Dr. Sanford, and 60+ speakers, as we discuss many other topics relevant to the Christian faith and its truthfulness, October 13-15. Since […]

The Cell’s Design

Greetings! My name is Fazale “Fuz” Rana. I’m the vice president of research and apologetics at Reasons to Believe. The focus of our ministry is to demonstrate how the latest advances in science provide ongoing evidence for God’s existence and the reliability of Scripture. I’m going to present two papers at this year’s National Conference on […]

Habitability for Redemption

My name is Hugh Ross, and I am the president of Reasons to Believe, an adjunct faculty member at Southern Evangelical Seminary, and the minister of apologetics at Sierra Madre Congregational Church. I have a bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of British Columbia, a PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto, and […]

2016 Summer Courses

Welcome to the 2016 Southern Evangelical Summer Semester course listing. On this page you will find a listing of all the courses listed with deadlines, dates, and times for each course. In addition, you will find an FAQ section below the listing of courses. Thank you for visiting, and we hope to see you on-campus, […]

Design of Life: It’s a Matter of Physical Evidence & Logic

By Michael Behe To listen to intelligent design opponents tell it, you would think that detecting design were a matter of closing your eyes, lifting your arms, and chanting “ooomm”—that it was some dubious subjective inference made in an altered mental state. But the critics seem not to notice their own behavior. Even such design skeptics, […]

Snowballs and Scripture: The Importance of Structural Integrity

By Dr. Hugh Ross, For a kid in Canada, snow meant snowball fights. After watching several of these battles from a safe distance, I figured out the key to winning—the design and sturdiness of one’s snow fort. Therefore, while other kids in our neighborhood tried to make the best snowballs, I experimented with my fort’s […]