Reflections on Presidents’ Day

By Richard Land, This month Americans celebrate on Presidents’ Day the birthdays of the country’s two greatest presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Washington, the wealthy southern plantation owner, and Lincoln, the log cabin born, Midwestern, self-made son of the soil, came from starkly different backgrounds and life experiences, and yet they literally shaped America […]

Voting: The Christian’s Duty

By Dr. Richard Land, [1] I have been asked quite often over the last few decades variations of what is basically the same question: “Should Christians vote? Should we become involved with politics? In the end, do our votes make any difference?” When I first started hearing those questions, I was a seminary student in […]

Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and the Populist Uprising of 2016

By Dr. Richard Land, At the end of 2014 Patrick Caddell, former President Carter’s pollster and a well-known political analyst and pundit, identified and attempted to explain the anger and frustration he was observing among tens of millions of Americans. He predicted that the maelstrom of social-political turmoil he was encountering across the land was […]