When Early Christians Walked the Earth
Hi, my name is Del Potter and I am set to graduate this coming spring with an MA degree in Christian Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary. The title of my presentation at this year’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics is: When Early Christians Walked the Earth. Have you ever wondered if early Christians walked the […]
The Cell’s Design
Greetings! My name is Fazale “Fuz” Rana. I’m the vice president of research and apologetics at Reasons to Believe. The focus of our ministry is to demonstrate how the latest advances in science provide ongoing evidence for God’s existence and the reliability of Scripture. I’m going to present two papers at this year’s National Conference on […]
Habitability for Redemption
My name is Hugh Ross, and I am the president of Reasons to Believe, an adjunct faculty member at Southern Evangelical Seminary, and the minister of apologetics at Sierra Madre Congregational Church. I have a bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of British Columbia, a PhD in astronomy from the University of Toronto, and […]
God in the Mirror: God, Man, Jesus, and Sin in the New Age
My name is Marcia Montenegro. I’m a graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary, having earned an MA degree in Religion. The title of my session at this year’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics is “God in the Mirror: God, Man, Jesus, and Sin in the New Age.” As a former New Ager for many years prior […]
Three Reasons Every Christian Should Attend A Christian Apologetics Conference Once A Year
I can remember eagerly awaiting the conference, encouraging my friends and family to attend, and buying my ticket. For an old or young eager Christian apologist, there is nothing else like it.
Feminist Criticism of the Bible and What We Need to Know
By Dianna Newman, Hi, my name is Dianna Newman. I’m a graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary, having earned by MA degrees in Apologetics and Philosophy. The title of my session at this year’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics is Feminist Criticism of the Bible and What We Need to Know. I’m very excited to present […]