Romans 1 and Man’s Knowledge of God: A Response to Fred Butler

By Adam Tucker, A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of participating in a cordial dialog with Fred Butler, of Grace to You Ministries, on the merits of classical vs. presuppositional apologetics. The original discussion can be found here. I appreciated the respectful nature of the discussion, and I think a lot of important […]

Some Brief Thoughts on Application in Biblical Interpretation

By Dr. Thomas Howe, Every hermeneutics book concludes with a section on Application. Everyone makes some observation like the following from Grant Osborne: “The static study of the original meaning of a text dare never be an end in itself but must at all times have as its goal the dynamic application of the text […]

How Is Believing Neo-Darwinism Like Staring Into Space?

By J. Thomas Bridges, My goal for this article was to summarize a helpful analogy that I utilized in my doctoral research regarding the Neo-Darwinism/Intelligent Design debate.  Before unpacking that analogy, however, I would like to prepare the reader with another.  There occasionally arises an academic tension between those who are professionally trained in philosophy […]

Young Earth Presuppositionalism: God’s Word or Man’s Word?

By Richard Howe Ph.D, First Things The title of this work1 is occasioned by my increasing concerns about the nature and degree of the apologetic methodology known as Presuppositionalism which has seemingly become dominate among certain key Young Earth Creationists such as Ken Ham.2 The broader context within which my concerns arise has to do […]