Please Join Us in Praying for Our Nation on New Year’s Day

By Judge Phil Ginn

Quite honestly, it is difficult to understand how any thoughtful person could look at the culture in America and think that our nation’s moral compass is pointed in the right direction. We should instinctively know that something is simply not right in our nation and even in our world. At the same time, it shouldn’t take the proverbial “rocket scientist” to recognize the connection between a lackadaisical approach to the truth and an increase in immorality.

Have you ever stopped to consider that just maybe the reason for the decline of our American civilization is that the two foundational entities of our culture, faith and family, are under the constant barrage of attack from those who seek our ultimate destruction? We at Southern Evangelical Seminary believe that it is time for us as Christians to wake up and redeem our culture that is slipping away into oblivion. It is long since time in America for our faith and our families to be set free by the truth of the Gospel Message.

That’s why SES is calling our family and friends to 24 hours of prayer this New Year’s Day. James 5:16 admonishes us, “Confess our sins to each other and pray for each other so that we may be healed.” Then James adds this poignant promise: “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” We believe that our nation is in dire need of prayer and that Christ followers are in dire need of praying. So, will you take a few minutes from the festivities of your New Year’s celebration to join with us to fill the heavenly airwaves of this great country with fervent prayer to literally rescue our people from the snares of the evil one.

We are asking that you join us for at least 15 minutes but preferably an hour out of your day. You may sign up for a time here, or simply pray whenever you’re free during the day. As you talk with God, we ask that you take time to pray specifically for the following matters:

  • Pray that God through His Son Jesus will become real in your own life during 2023.
  • Pray that He will divinely and supernaturally protect our families from the onslaught of evil that is in our midst.
  • Pray that our nation will turn its heart toward God and away from all the sinful ideations of evil that have taken such a stronghold in America.
  • Pray specifically and by name for the leaders of our community, state, and nation as we are compelled to do by Scripture.
  • Pray that God will use you and your family to be steadfast in the truth.
  • Pray that God will strengthen each Christ follower to withstand the persecution of the faithful that is coming in America.

If after all of this, you still have some time, we would be greatly obliged if you would also pray for SES and those of us in the family who are endeavoring to be on the frontlines of impacting our culture with the Gospel message in 2023. Remember that when it comes to the defense of the historical Christian faith, the line forms behind Southern Evangelical Seminary.

Again, please click here to let us know if, and when, you will be praying. It does not matter if multiple people will be praying at the same time. Even if there are time slots left open, the SES family will make sure that the 24 hour time chain of prayer is not broken.

Whatever you decide, please know that we are praying along with you for our nation and for you and your family. Could 2023 be the year of another great awakening in America like has not been seen in several generations? Or could it be that the eastern sky will burst forth with the Glory of the Son of God as He comes to take us home? Either way, may our chorus of prayers be answered in a mighty way. Thank you for joining your hearts with ours in prayer!

Corum Deo,
Judge Phil Ginn
President, Southern Evangelical Seminary and Bible College


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