Dr. Bernard James Mauser

Associate Professor of Philosophy
Dean of Southern Evangelical Bible College


Bernard became a Christian in 1999 after trying to refute Christianity. Upon finding out Christianity is true, he went on for his first Masters at Southern Evangelical Seminary (in Christian Apologetics) and completed his second Masters and Ph.D. (in Philosophy) at Marquette University.
In addition to SES, he has taught at Marquette University, San Diego Christian College, Liberty University, Bethlehem Bible College and Seminary, Cardinal Stritch University, and at North Central University. He helped to launch several great books programs at different universities.
He has been married to Amber since 2003 and they have six children (one is in heaven). His wife Amber and he grew up in Ohio, living in Wisconsin for several years during his doctoral work, and spent a glorious 5 years in Minnesota before coming to the promised land of North Carolina. They live King, NC, where he also enjoys teaching his kids basketball and martial arts.

Research Interests and Expertise

Dr. Mauser has a passion for defending the Christian faith, and his ministry experience includes being a Youth Pastor at several Baptist churches since becoming a Christian. Dr. Mauser’s passion is not limited to defending the Christian faith, but includes how Christianity should affect public policy. In addition to his work at various conservative think-tanks, he’s been a funded scholar for the Acton Institute in 2014, 2016, and 2021. As part of his focus for Acton, he’s explored and taught on the relationship between philosophy, politics, and economics from a Christian worldview. In particular, his current work includes developing a synthesis between Thomism and various aspects of Austrian economics and exploring how this should impact public policy. His interests include Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Ethics, and just about every area of apologetics.


Dr. Mauser’s professional publications are in the areas of natural law ethics, religious pluralism, and Biblical hermeneutics.
Published Books:
