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Southern Evangelical Seminary President and Evangelical Leader Dr. Richard Land: Entire Tone About December Greetings Has Shifted Since Election

CHARLOTTE, N.C.—“Donald Trump says ‘Merry Christmas,’ Obama wishes ‘happy holidays’” That headline in the Washington Times from late last week has a much deeper meaning than December greetings, says Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES, www.staging.ses.edu) President and Evangelical leader Dr. Richard Land. “The whole tone has shifted in this country since Nov. 8,” Land remarked. “In […]

Southern Evangelical Seminary Shares ‘The Twelve Days of Apologetics’

SES President Dr. Richard Land and SES Faculty Relay 12 Reasons for the Truth of the Christmas Story Through Online Video Series CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES,www.staging.ses.edu) is again sharing its video series, “The Twelve Days of Apologetics,” through a dozen interesting and enlightening online Christmas-themed videos from SES professors, deans and students, including Evangelical […]

Confidence About Trump Transition Comes from Conservative Christians—And Vice Versa

Cover photo credit CHARLOTTE, N.C.—A new survey from the American Culture & Faith Institute finds that conservative Christians are helping move along President-elect Donald Trump’s transition with confidence, especially as their belief in him as a leader grows. Throughout the election season, Evangelical leader Dr. Richard Land, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES, www.staging.ses.edu), served […]

What Will a Trump Presidency Mean for the Protection of Life?

Evangelical Leader and SES President Dr. Richard Land: Sanctity of Life Was a Key Issue for Christian Voters CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Exit polls showed that more than 4 in 5 Evangelical Christian voters turned out at the polls for Donald Trump, and new research from the American Culture & Faith Institute found that two-thirds preferred his stance on […]

The Election Is Over: What Is an Evangelical Christian to Do?

The people have voted. The votes have been counted. Donald Trump has been elected as the nation’s 45th president. And, once again, the election results reveal a deeply and evenly divided nation. Apparently half of America is at least relieved, the other half dejected. By all accounts, the majority of Americans were not happy with […]

What Will Trump Election Mean for SCOTUS?

Many issues drove voters to the polls for this divisive election, but one was significant, especially for Christian Evangelical voters—the selection of the nation’s next Supreme Court Justices. Evangelical leader Dr. Richard Land closely followed the election, writing several columns for The Christian Post, where he serves as executive editor. And he relayed to voters […]