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Please Join Us in Praying for Our Nation on New Year’s Day

Quite honestly, it is difficult to understand how any thoughtful person could look at the culture in America and think that our nation’s moral compass is pointed in the right direction. We should instinctively know that something is simply not right in our nation and even in our world. At the same time, it shouldn’t take the […]

SES president warns against unraveling of American foundations in Respect for Marriage Act

‘What is untenable for the sake of America is the destruction of our fundamental right of religious freedom’ CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The hotly contested Respect for Marriage Act recently passed from the Senate to the House of Representatives and is now currently being considered by President Joe Biden. The bill will require the federal government […]

A Tribute to Dr. Barry Leventhal

Barry Leventhal was a giant of a man, whose passing has left us with not a few tears.  However, we rejoice because we have the confidence that Barry is with our Savior whom he so fervently served.  Much can, and will, be said about his professional achievements – and they are many.  However, I am […]

SES president: Heretical Cambridge sermon claiming Christ had a ‘trans body’ is sign of evil in world today

‘I would much rather trust the true Christ than a blatantly false figment of someone’s misguided imagination’ CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Parishioners at Trinity College chapel, a constituent college of the University of Cambridge, were stunned and horrified when junior research fellow Joshua Heath preached a sermon claiming that due to select works of historical art, […]

UFOs, Aliens, and Christianity

UFO alien

Originally published here. Many people throughout history and across the world have claimed to have seen UFOs and even have experiences with what are normally described as aliens. I’ve always had a casual interest in UFOs, but with the release of three Navy videos and the Unidentified documentary, I became more interested. It is probably safe to say […]