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How Should Christians Disagree About Important Things?

This past week the Evangelical world has reverberated with a debate by two of Evangelicaldom’s most illustrious, influential, and popular theologians: John Piper and Wayne Grudem. On October 22, John Piper wrote an article, “Policies, Persons, and Paths to Ruin: Pondering the Implications of the 2020 Elections.” In which he explains why he would not […]

2020 Election: Who is the Biggest Loser?

The election is now over – except it’s not over. Americans voted in record numbers, and yet many races are razor thin and still undecided. But some things are already pretty clear. As we sift through the mountain range of statistics generated by this uniquely 2020 election, the biggest loser appears to be “identity politics,” […]

Kenyan Alumna Sees Ripple Effect of Defending Faith

Growing up in Kenya, Cathy was surrounded by Muslim neighbors. As a child, she and a friend went in circles one day about who Jesus is—Cathy said Jesus is God; her friend said He is not. Cathy approached her mom. How could she explain to her friend that Jesus is Lord? “My mom said, ‘Well, […]

Five Reasons Abortion is Murder: The Killing of an Innocent Human Being

For whatever reason, I missed taking an ethics class in college. My speech class came with a list of topics we could not give a speech on. Abortion was at the top of the list which was not alphabetical. Every other class that might have touched on the topic, avoided the issue as well. Regardless […]

How should pro-life Christians answer objections to Amy Coney Barrett?

The remainder of the month of October’s frequent and often heated debates about Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s proposed elevation to the highest court in the land will compete with the looming presidential election race for airtime on the nation’s myriad broadcast and internet news outlets. The American public will be subjected to a barrage of […]

Divine Impassibility: God As Our Unaffected Fortress

Several of my previous blogs have dealt with divine simplicity and some objections to the doctrine. As I have written, it is the most important divine attribute, even if it is hotly debated. Those who accept simplicity are on a completely different theological trajectory from those who reject it. I would argue that its acceptance […]