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How critical is this moment for Americans?

I cannot help but think that a large majority of American citizens are very, very concerned about the current state of our union. The increasing hostility and political protests that have roiled our society for the past few years seem to be reaching a crescendo in the events that have unfolded in the aftermath of […]

Missionary to Brazil Gives Logical Defense

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. —John 14:6 From Russia to Africa to Brazil, Tony has noticed the same trend: “The difficulty for people to grasp logical thinking because of the education system that is employed throughout the world.” From […]

Science Teacher: “There’s a Great Hunger for the Gospel”

Twenty years ago, Dan enrolled at SES as a relatively new Christian after gleaning from Dr. Norm Geisler’s “fountain of knowledge” on the Bible Answer Man program. Around the same time, Dan left his corporate job as vice president of engineering and started teaching high school science while pursuing his master’s from SES. With degrees […]

Five New Year’s Resolutions to Help Reverse Error in the Church

Every two years Ligonier Ministries and LifeWay Research partner to survey the state of theology among church-going American adults. These are not your unsaved neighbors and co-workers. They are the people that sit next to you and me most Sundays (at least in pre-COVID days!). Sadly, the troubling study shows significant error and heresy in […]

This Isn’t Your Typical Sunday School Lesson

At 48 years old, Nora went to seminary. Her kids were grown, and she and her husband Duke had been teaching Sunday school for nearly 20 years. But a lot of the high schoolers they taught went off to college and stopped going to church. Nora taught drawing and painting and worked with English as […]

Why is abandoning the rule of law so dangerous?

When the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia concluded in September 1787 and sent the Constitution to the various states for ratification, Benjamin Franklin was reportedly asked, “Dr. Franklin, what kind of government have you given us?” Franklin replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it!” That exchange has possessed enough historical cache that new Supreme Court […]