Dual enrollment programs are collaborative efforts between high schools and colleges in which high school students are permitted to enroll in and earn credit for successfully completing college courses. This means that high school students earn credit for successfully completing college courses and concurrently earn credit toward the requirements of their high school diploma. Students involved in the program may jump start their college experience and accelerate their college education by accumulating transferable college credits. They are challenged intellectually and academically and are more likely to continue their education beyond high school. Another benefit is that students have access to a college education without interrupting normal high school activities. Dual enrollment courses at Southern Evangelical Seminary are available online and offered via our immersive digital campus experience.
Read below for the details of these flexible options, and download your FREE ebook to see how such training relates to real-world Gospel issues.
We aren’t catching up with the distance learning trend — SES has been breaking ground and pioneering an immersive digital campus experience for years. As a student, you'll enjoy a flexible, compelling, connected, environment for your studies. All of the easy-to-use technology you’ll need to thrive in seminary is housed in one place and accessed through a single, secure log-in.
Learn to defend the basic elements of the Christian faith, including the existence of God, miracles, the deity of Christ, and the inspiration of the Bible.
Explore ethical alternatives and issues from a Christian perspective, including the ethics of abortion, euthanasia, nature of marriage, and war.
Examine the worldviews of the major religions of the world and contemporary cults, and learn how to defend the historic Christian faith in view of their challenges.
Strengthen faith and life through a study of the triune God, His creation of the world, angels, human beings, and His relation to them through salvation in Christ, His church, and His coming kingdom.
Study the basic forms of logical thinking and fallacies while stressing the use of reason in Christian theology and apologetics.
Engage in a study of the most significant philosophers, their ideas, and relation to Christian theology and apologetics.
First, check with your school to see if you have a Dual Enrollment policy in place. Next, apply to SES and select the application for Dual Enrollment.
Admission to the Dual Enrollment Program is available to Juniors and Seniors who have distinguished themselves with high academic achievement (or, who have at least a 3.0 average). Dual Enrollment courses will be delivered online concurrently with the regular undergraduate courses via the SES digital campus.
Read more about our current tuition rates, flexible payment plans, and financial aid opportunities.
Start the admission process today. You can begin in just a few minutes by filling out our initial application and it will open the door for us to have an exploratory conversation about your educational priorities and hopes for ministry. We have an entire team at SES who is ready to help you in the process of discerning your gifts and calling to ministry so you can engage our culture in the conversations that matter the most.