The Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies at Southern Evangelical Bible College combines exceptional academic rigor and flexible ministry options to create a compelling value for your educational investment. This program is unique in that you will finish with a 120-hour, accredited bachelor’s degree from SES. However, 60 hours of your degree will be general education courses you complete at another accredited school of your choice (this can be done concurrently with your studies at SES). Our faculty will provide you with the Biblical and Religious Studies expertise at a remarkable value and you may complete your other course work with experts in the humanities somewhere else. It’s the best of both worlds at a very affordable tuition cost.
Read below for the details of this flexible program, and download your FREE ebook to see how such training relates to real-world Gospel issues.
There are no teaching assistants in our graduate programs and with the B.A. in Religious Studies program, all of your classes will be taught by graduate professors. The same instructors guiding our Ph.D. candidates and many master’s students will be mentoring you and bringing all their advanced teaching expertise to your class experience. Our professors are world-class scholars in their particular area of study.
How do you measure the quality of a school and its degrees? Academic rigor is the core standard. At SES, you will find an exceptional commitment to academic standards. The depth of content in each course is self-evident, and expectations are clear, ensuring a higher quality experience for each student. In addition, a limited number of credit hours can also be applied to future studies in the M.A. program.
SES has spearheaded the next generation of online learning formats through real-time, live-streamed classes. They facilitate the two-way conversations and pedagogical dialog which will turn your home into a classroom. This model brings the best of the traditional campus learning experience together with the convenience of studying wherever you are in the world.
We aren’t catching up with the distance learning trend — SES has been breaking ground and pioneering an immersive digital campus experience for years. As a student, you'll enjoy a flexible, compelling, connected, environment for your studies. All of the easy-to-use technology you’ll need to thrive in seminary is housed in one place and accessed through a single, secure log-in.
This course will both expose the secular lie that ‘all religions are basically the same’ and give you a clear understanding of just how different Christianity’s claims are in comparison to both ancient and emerging world religions.
How can we defend the truth of the Gospel in the turbulent, ongoing public debates about what is true and trustworthy? This course will lay a solid foundation for developing your understanding of apologetics and its many applications.
This elective course delves deeply into the proofs for the bodily resurrection of Jesus, as well as the historical and contemporary implications of this core Christian tenet.
SM501 Writing & Research Skills (3)
AP302 World Religions & New Religious Movements (3)
AP401 Introduction to Christian Apologetics (3)
AP412 Ethics (3)
PH301 Critical Thinking (3)
PH302 Introduction to Philosophy (3)
BL(GK/HB)401 Biblical Languages (3)
OT301 Old Testament Survey (3)
OT400 Book Study (3)
NT301 New Testament Survey (3)
NT400 Book Study (3)
ST301 Introduction to Theology (3)
ST302 Survey of Bible Doctrine (3)
ST303 Bible Study Methods (3)
HT301 Church History (3)
ME301 Evangelism (3)
ME407 (or 408) History of Missions & World Christianity (3)
CE301 Communication in a Theological Context (3)
a) AP Elective (3)
b) Elective (3)
FE401 Field Experience 1 (0)
FE402 Field Experience 2 (0)
General Education Defined Requirement – 24 hours
English (3), Writing/Composition (3), Mathematics (3), Science (3), Fine Arts (3), Behavioral/Social Sciences (3), Communications (3), History (3)
Other Undefined Courses – 36 hours
Prospective students are almost always surprised to learn how affordable we keep our degree programs at Southern Evangelical Seminary.
You need effective training for ministry — not a crippling load of student loan debt. The value of a degree here pays off through your entire career and truly has an eternal value as well.
Read more about our current tuition rates, flexible payment plans, and financial aid opportunities.
Christians are called to be salt and light in our world, and leaders should be equipped to confidently engage the ideas shaping today’s culture. Apologetics training is essential for breaking down barriers and effectively leading others. As you pursue God’s calling on your life through ministry, a seminary education will maximize your impact.
If your personal study hasn’t yielded the growth you’re looking for, formal training can equip you to answer hard questions and present the truth in love. Being grounded in apologetics prepares you to be fruitful in all aspects of your personal ministry. Our apologetics program offers structured training you need to share the faith and defend truth in everyday life.
Start the admission process today. You can begin in just a few minutes by filling out our initial application and it will open the door for us to have an exploratory conversation about your educational priorities and hopes for ministry. We have an entire team at SES who is ready to help you in the process of discerning your gifts and calling to ministry so you can engage our culture in the conversations that matter the most.