Reformed, Romanist, or Rumor? A Response to Dr. Scott Oliphint

Recently there were some concerns raised by friend of Southern Evangelical Seminary, Dr. Scott Oliphint. Dr. Oliphint spoke for approximately 45 minutes during his presentation titled Reformed or Romanist: (Protestant or Papist). His representations are inaccurate, and this page is to serve as the beginning of a dialog about the issues our Christian brother has raised. We hope that you find this engagement beneficial to your own walk and understanding of the Christian faith and the God in whom we “live move and have our being” (Acts 17:28).


Why Do You Believe Podcast

Listen to the Why Do You Believe Podcast to hear our interview with Dr. J. Thomas Bridges and his thoughts and response to Dr. Oliphint’s ReformCon Remarks.

Article Responses

Southern Evangelical Seminary’s  Official Response to Evangelical Exodus

Does Thomism Lead to Catholicism? by Distinguished Senior Professor, Dr. N. Geisler

Aquinas or Van Til? Testimony of a Campus Minister – By  SES Student, Chris Van Allsburg

America’s Changing Religious Landscape – Recent Pew Research showing the decline of Catholicism in America





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