God and Morgan Freeman

Has anyone ever asked you “Who is God?” What a loaded question! The answer to this question is undoubtedly important and is intimately connected to every aspect of life; one’s belief or lack thereof will determine how one approaches foundational questions pertaining to the nature of reality, man, knowledge, meaning, morality, and purpose. I can’t […]

Aquinas or Van Til? Testimony of a Campus Minister

By Chris Van Allsburg, Recently, Reformed theologian and presuppositionalist K. Scott Oliphint [1] criticized Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES) for holding to the classical method in apologetics at a conference in Phoenix called Reformcon. Having moved away from presuppositionalism, I feel it is appropriate to respond.  Now, presuppositionalism was my meat and potatoes for nearly a decade […]

TEAM Cross Training: Tactical Evangelism

This event was held at Southern Evangelical Seminary. Topics addressed how to do evangelism, what evangelism is, and how to engage people in a relevant and meaningful way. PDF decks can be found here.

Homeschooling and Apologetics

By SES Alumnus Josh Erlien, Danny was a religious kid and active in his church. But he began to be troubled by something. Let me tell it to you in his own words. I was raised Episcopalian, and I was very religious as a kid. Then, in eighth or ninth grade, I studied astronomy, cosmology, and […]

Classical Apologetics

What is the Classical Apologetic method? Why is it crucial to the defense of the Christian faith?