Missionary Examines the Why Behind His Beliefs

Jonathan and his wife spent nearly three years as missionaries in China. While there, they met once a week at a coffee shop to have conversations with locals who wanted to learn English. “They were very interested in Christianity. They had lots of questions about God.” Looking back, Jonathan sees how helpful apologetics would have […]

Brief Throughts from Dr. Norman Geisler on Why He Supports SES

Join Me & Double Your Impact These are truly exciting days at SES.  A few weeks ago I had the privilege of teaching the very first course on our new campus in the booming Ballantyne area of Charlotte. Fifty-six students were in the class participating both on campus and online. I was impressed with how […]

An Open House to Cherish the Past, Honor the Present, and Build for the Future

In case you missed it, here is a quick breakdown of what happened at Southern Evangelical Seminary’s (SES) August 4th Open House. In the heart of South Charlotte, NC, in the Ballantyne neighborhood, perspective students gathered to have a luncheon with faculty and friends of SES. Alumni, including a pastor, a former U.S. Army Ranger […]

Why I Thank God for SES

It was 2004 and I was about to graduate from Lee University with a degree in history. I had just gotten married. While I planned on being a history professor I wanted to make sure we had money. So I thought, “What can I do with a history degree other than teach?” I found out […]

Living Your Faith: Bethel Baptist Church Rebuilds Lives Devastated by Hurricane Matthew

Thomas McCuddy is Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Dublin, NC. Their surrounding counties have been devastated by Hurricane Matthew. There is still significant flooding and people are in need of resources and aide in rebuilding their lives after this devastating experience. During an interview with Pastor McCuddy, it became clear that one of the […]

A Window into Christian Philosophy

I have some sympathies for all of these understandings, and yet, in our little corner of the world at SES, we find something incredibly attractive about philosophy; both its rigor and its relationship to the life of faith. In what follows I’d like to open a window into this latter experience of philosophy, namely, the way philosophy can play a role in the Christian’s devotional life.