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God, Evil, and Science: My Response to Richard Carrier

Dr. Brian Huffling Dr. Brian Huffling’s research interests include: Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Theology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and general issues in Apologetics and Biblical studies. See his personal blog here. Twitter Wordpress Linkedin When I read Richard Carrier’s response to my interactions with Michael Shermer in Skeptic magazine, I could not believe how badly he misunderstood me and misrepresented me […]

A Response to William Lane Craig’s Symposium Comments on Divine Simplicity

Dr. Brian Huffling Director of Ph.D. Program, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology Dr. Brian Huffling’s research interests include: Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Theology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and general issues in Apologetics and Biblical studies. See his personal blog here. A few weeks ago Dr. William Lane Craig joined Bishop Robert Barron to discuss divine simplicity. […]

Drowning in the Tiber: A Response to Evangelical Exodus

Introduction Douglas Beaumont has edited a book that seeks to chronicle the experiences of many Evangelicals who have left Evangelicalism and joined the Catholic Church. The book is principally the personal testimony of an individual’s move from one to the other. Since Beaumont is the editor and first contributor to the book, this essay will […]