Racial Reconciliation Resolution’s Silver Anniversary
Saturday (June 20) marks the 25th anniversary of a seminal moment in the life of the Southern Baptist Convention. Messengers to the 1995 SBC Annual Meeting voted overwhelmingly to pass the “Resolution on Racial Reconciliation on the 150th Anniversary of the Southern Baptist Convention.” Every Southern Baptist I know who was privileged to be in […]
Southern Evangelical Seminary Mourns Death of Co-Founder Ross Rhoads
CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES, www.ses.edu) is mourning the death of one of its co-founders today, Dr. Ross S. Rhoads, who passed away May 24, 2017, at the age of 84. Rhoads co-founded SES with Dr. Norman Geisler in 1992 and for two decades served as pastor of Calvary Church in Charlotte, N.C., where SES […]
The Ethical Responsibility of Brain-Computer Interface
Facebook Creating New Technology When Thoughts Alone Will Type on Computers—No Fingers Necessary; Southern Evangelical Seminary Students Explore Ethics, Faith, Science and Technology CHARLOTTE, N.C.—At Facebook’s F8 conference this spring, the social media giant announced that a future ethics board will monitor the technology that allows users to experience brain-computer interface. A business writer with […]
A Super Human Coming to a Body Near You?
CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Think about your greatest perceived weakness or fault—something you wish you could change about yourself—if only you had the means or the power. Neil Harbisson, a Belfast-born 34-year-old living in Spain, did just that. Because of a rare condition called achromatopsia, he can’t perceive color—but wanted to. So now, over his head arches a […]
Evangelical Leader Dr. Richard Land: Why Neil Gorsuch Should Be Confirmed
Gorsuch is an Accomplished Legal Jurist, Traditionalist and Devotee to Natural Law, SaysSouthern Evangelical Seminary President on His Nationwide Radio Program; Also Comments on CNN CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Last week, Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch endured 20 hours of grueling questions and answers, but the longtime judge took it all in stride. Now, reports The New York […]
‘God’s Truth in an Age of Relativism’
As the World Assigns Its Own ‘Truth’ to Cultural Trends, Southern Evangelical Seminary Has Been Teaching Christians to Defend God’s Revealed Truth for a Quarter Century CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Every day, Americans are confronted with an avalanche of evidence of just how completely our society has been engulfed by moral relativism. Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES,www.ses.edu) is deeply […]