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On a Christian Philosophy of Education

On a Christian Philosophy of Education   “By its very nature it [teaching] is not a democratic notion…. The very act of teaching implies the admission of a certain inequality not indeed in nature, nor even in intellectual ability, but at least in knowledge.” “The good teacher then loves to teach because he loves to […]

The Words of the Wise and Their Riddles

Some Preliminary Thoughts on Ambiguity Using ambiguity intentionally can lead individuals to analyze and reflect on their understanding of the world. This reflection may lead to a deeper knowledge or understanding of a truth or life principle, or it may lead to the realization of our ignorance and instill a new desire for knowledge. Thus, […]

Why the Appearance of Design in Biology Is a Problem for Atheistic Naturalism

By J. Warner Wallace, As unlikely and unexpected as it may be, life exists in our universe, and just as researchers stipulate to the appearance of fine-tuning in the cosmos, scientists also stipulate to the appearance of design in biological organisms. Richard Dawkins would be the first to agree: “Biology is the study of complicated […]

Got Questions? Get Answers at Carowinds’s Christian Music Day

Have you ever been asked a question that you didn’t know how to answer? I’m not talking about comic-book or movie trivia, but specifically questions about Christianity. If you are a Christian in the information age, I can guarantee that all of us, especially if we are serious about sharing our faith, have been challenged […]

Questions About Inerrancy: A Review of the Andy Stanley Controversy

By Jeff Lenhart, By now it’s no secret that Andy Stanley has preached some controversial sermons regarding the doctrine of inerrancy. In particular, his message titled The Bible Told Me So has raised the ire of a broad cross-section of Evangelicals. On the other hand, noted apologists Dr. Frank Turek and Dr. Richard Howe came […]

How to Get Through When They Don’t Want to Listen

My name is Kathy Vohs, and I’m a graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary (MA – Apologetics).  I will be speaking at the National Conference on Christian Apologetics in Charlotte, NC on Oct. 13-15, 2016.  My topic is “How to Get Through When They Don’t Want to Listen.” In 1 Peter 3:15, Peter admonishes us to “always […]