Five Errors When Arguing for the Existence of God
By Dr. Douglas E. Potter, Over the years that I have been teaching Christian apologetics and theology to seventh graders through doctoral students, five (5) misconceptions regarding arguments for the existence of God consistently show themselves. My students come from both secular and Christian educational backgrounds. I would often excuse those with the misconceptions as […]
Aquinas or Van Til? Testimony of a Campus Minister
By Chris Van Allsburg, Recently, Reformed theologian and presuppositionalist K. Scott Oliphint [1] criticized Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES) for holding to the classical method in apologetics at a conference in Phoenix called Reformcon. Having moved away from presuppositionalism, I feel it is appropriate to respond. Now, presuppositionalism was my meat and potatoes for nearly a decade […]
Would Dr. King Have Marched for Marriage “Equality”?
By Adam Tucker, Director of Missions & Evangelism at Southern Evangelical Seminary “Today marks a victory for equality, perseverance and love.” These were the words tweeted by Apple CEO Tim Cook following the historic SCOTUS decision to legalize same-sex marriage.[1] In similar fashion, after the SCOTUS decision went public, Google replaced their logo with a rainbow-colored heart […]
Classical Apologetics
What is the Classical Apologetic method? Why is it crucial to the defense of the Christian faith?