Love Is Love, or Is It?
According to the National Retail Federation, we are expected to spend $27 billion dollars celebrating our “love” for others this Valentine’s Day. But what exactly is “love”? In our culture, it is common to hear the mantra that love is love. Today, many think “love” means to affirm the beliefs, desires, and even behaviors of […]
The Holocaust and Natural Law
Another state has recently passed legislation to teach about the holocaust. The Nazis killed around 20 million people during World War II as part of their murderous campaign against those who they saw as unwanted. Not even children or women were spared. At least 6 million of these people were Jewish. The people who proposed these laws to […]
From Seminary to Law School
By Gil Gatch, Most people think of a seminary only as a place where a person prepares to become a minister. Unfortunately, this misconception is probably keeping many people from considering Southern Evangelical Seminary as an option for graduate or undergraduate education. The scope of one’s possibilities by earning a degree from SES is much […]
A Fundamental Problem With The Presuppositionalism of Cornelius Van Til
By, David Haines Cornelius Van Til was, without a doubt, one of the most influential apologists of the Neo-Calvinist movement of the twentieth century. Van Til received his philosophical training under W. H. Jellema at Calvin College (a gifted philosopher who had received his training under well-known English Idealists such as Josiah Royce, F. H. […]
Philosophy, Theology, and the Local Church
By Gerard Figurelli, How should we answer the perennial question regarding the relation of “Jerusalem” and “Athens” as it pertains to the use of philosophy in the local church? At this year’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics, my presentation titled “Philosophy, Theology, and the Local Church” will address this important question. From the pastoral level, […]
A Preview: How Holocausts Happen
Greetings friends, family, strangers, and enemies alike, My name is John D. Ferrer, and I’m a graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary (MDiv – Apologetics), and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (ThM and PhD – Phil. of Relig.). I will be speaking at the National Apologetics Conference in Charlotte, NC on Oct. 13-15, 2016. My topic is […]