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Why do so many young Americans hate their country’s heritage?

I have had scores of Americans ask me that question in the last few months. My inquisitors have been baffled and perplexed as to why so many of our twenty and thirty- something citizens seem to so readily jettison what my questioners cherish as rich, meaningful, and critically important — an American heritage that has […]

Racism: A Christian’s Response

In light of the recent societal and cultural upheavals related to racism and social justice, it is vitally important for Evangelicals to be explicit and forthright about how their spiritual convictions guide them on these issues. As an Evangelical institution called to equip students to proclaim the Gospel, engage the culture, and defend the truth (including […]

Why Release a Statement on Racism and Social Justice?

SES recently released a rather lengthy statement outlining our specific take on current racial tensions and social justice issues. After two months of national unrest over these issues, why release a statement now? Hasn’t everything been said from a Christian position that needs to be said? Those are fair questions. It would seem that it […]

Are There Modern Forms of “Eugenics”?

Question: Are there modern forms of “eugenics” about which we should be concerned? Yes, there are modern, cutting-edge technologies concerning human reproduction that taken together, constitute a high-tech almost surreal eugenics that like the old eugenics, seeks to create “bigger and better” human offspring. In a previous column I introduced the subject of eugenics and […]

Thomism and the Problem of Animal Suffering

The problem of animal suffering has been championed by atheists at least as far back as the time of Charles Darwin, and it is increasingly touted today. For example, Richard Dawkins claims, The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute it takes me to […]

More Thoughts on God and Morality

The following is an excerpt for our Why Trust the God of the Bible? ebook. The astute reader may have noticed that the moral argument for God’s existence has not been utilized in this short booklet. This was deliberate. The reason it has been saved for an appendix is because morality and what good is […]