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Indiana Jones and the Honorary Doctorate

“Here at SES we see him as our Indiana Jones.” Dr. Richard Land, President of Southern Evangelical Seminary, is speaking about John Freyler. “Freyler’s father, John Sr., and mother, Bobbie Freyler, came to SES to volunteer for ‘a few weeks’ in 2002, and that stretched into over 18 years of commitment to the mission of […]

Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Rodney Cripps

The effect of the training and education received at Southern Evangelical Seminary has greatly impacted our 114-year-old church in Pineville, North Carolina, known as GraceLife Church of Pineville. The core values, biblical training, and apologetic emphasis at SES goes hand-in-hand with our own mission of making disciples who make disciples. One of the positive impacts […]

Philosophy, Theology, and the Local Church

By Gerard Figurelli, How should we answer the perennial question regarding the relation of “Jerusalem” and “Athens” as it pertains to the use of philosophy in the local church? At this year’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics, my presentation titled “Philosophy, Theology, and the Local Church” will address this important question. From the pastoral level, […]