What Do the Major Cults Believe?
By Dr. Glenn Pietruski, Serious challenges to the historic Christian faith are initiated by the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. Because of the large numbers of adherents to these groups, as well as their rates of expansion, they give cause for one of the major concerns among evangelical Christians. At this year’s National Conference on Christian […]
The Death of God
Have you ever heard the music that’s played when the South Carolina Gamecocks enter their football stadium? It’s quite moving! It’s the same music that Stanley Kubrick used in 1968 for his iconic movie “2001: A Space Odyssey.” But the music is much older than that; it was composed in 1896 by Richard Strauss. More […]
Philosophy, Theology, and the Local Church
By Gerard Figurelli, How should we answer the perennial question regarding the relation of “Jerusalem” and “Athens” as it pertains to the use of philosophy in the local church? At this year’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics, my presentation titled “Philosophy, Theology, and the Local Church” will address this important question. From the pastoral level, […]
Old Testament: History or Hoax
I absolutely love the Old Testament. While many view it as difficult or confusing, I love to get lost in the stories of real people, in real places, living out real experiences with our Living God. But is that really what the Old Testament is? Christianity is often undermined by the claim that the Old […]
A Preview: The Critical Need for Integrating Apologetics into Youth Ministry
At this year’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics, I will discussing The Critical Need for Integrating Apologetics into Youth Ministry. This talk will examine the data surrounding the youth exodus from the faith, the reasons for this exodus, and how church leadership and youth ministers can counteract this trend by integrating apologetics into their curriculum […]
A Preview: How Holocausts Happen
Greetings friends, family, strangers, and enemies alike, My name is John D. Ferrer, and I’m a graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary (MDiv – Apologetics), and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (ThM and PhD – Phil. of Relig.). I will be speaking at the National Apologetics Conference in Charlotte, NC on Oct. 13-15, 2016. My topic is […]