Why So Many Calvinists in the ‘Never Trump Movement’?

A few weeks ago a Roman Catholic colleague who is a conservative political scientist and economist asked me a thoughtful and unexpected question. “Richard,” he said, “Why is it that such a high percentage of the Evangelical ‘Never Trumpers’ are Calvinists?” I hadn’t thought about it exactly that way. After reflecting on the question, here […]

Reformed, Romanist, or Rumor? A Response to Dr. Scott Oliphint

Recently there were some concerns raised by friend of Southern Evangelical Seminary, Dr. Scott Oliphint. Dr. Oliphint spoke for approximately 45 minutes during his presentation titled Reformed or Romanist: (Protestant or Papist). His representations are inaccurate, and this page is to serve as the beginning of a dialog about the issues our Christian brother has raised. We […]

A Response to Dr. Scott Oliphint’s ReformCon 2016 Talk

By Dr. J. Thomas Bridges,  I regret that I must break from my summer research to respond to Dr. Oliphint’s recent talk at the ReformCon 2016 conference. I am, however, compelled by the compilation of errors and allegations expressly directed at SES for its Thomistic philosophy and overall non-Reformed, Evangelical theology.  In the beginning of […]