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Remembering Phillip E. Johnson

Tribute to Phillip E. Johnson By Dr. Richard D. Land A true spiritual giant and genuine hero of the Christian faith has gone home to be with the Lord. Dr. Phillip E. Johnson, professor, author, scholar, and gentleman and one of the key founders of the Intelligent Design movement passed away a few days ago […]

Real Stories: Talking About God with Adult Children

David and Debbie thought they did everything right raising their kids in a Christian home. They took them to church, had family devotions, prayed for them often, and warned them that their faith would be challenged in college. Now in their mid-40s, their children want nothing to do with spiritual matters. “We thought that they […]

Five Tips for Teaching Christian Apologetics

I have taught Christian apologetics to seventh graders through seminary students. I have done this in a Christian school, church, home, and graduate school; in-person and online. I even helped put it in print. I still find teaching apologetics challenging. Sometimes I feel I have forgotten more apologetics than my students will ever know.  Over […]

Responding to NY Times Article Saying the Concept of God is Incoherent

Dr. Brian Huffling Dr. Brian Huffling’s research interests include: Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Theology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and general issues in Apologetics and Biblical studies. See his personal blog here. Twitter WordPress Linkedin In a NY Times article titled “A God Problem: Perfect. All-powerful. All-knowing. The idea of the deity most Westerners accept is actually not coherent,” Peter […]

My Discussion with Dr. Michael Shermer on God and Evil

Dr. Brian Huffling Dr. Brian Huffling’s research interests include: Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Theology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and general issues in Apologetics and Biblical studies. See his personal blog here. Twitter WordPress Linkedin Having seen Dr. Michael Shermer debate many times, I was excited to be able to get a chance to have a discussion with him. Shermer, founding […]