Dr. Brian Huffling

Dr. Huffling has been involved in various types of ministry, including 2 American churches as well as 2 Korean churches (in America). He also teaches at Apologia Live Classes (2014-Present) and has served in the Marines, Navy, and is currently the Reserve Wing Chaplain at the 403d at Keesler AFB. Dr. Huffling has taught for […]

Dr. Doug Potter

A writer, teacher, and speaker on Christian theology and apologetics, Dr. Potter is committed to maximizing every opportunity to prepare the next generation of believers to know what they believe and most importantly, why it is true. Professor, Southern Evangelical Seminary, (2011 – present). Director of D.Min. Program, Southern Evangelical Seminary, (2007 – present). Assistant […]

Dr. Thomas Howe

Dr. Thomas Howe headshot

Minister to Youth, Grey Stone Baptist Church (1983-1984) Associate Pastor and Minister to Youth, First Baptist Church of College Park (1978-1983) Pastor, Canal Point Baptist Church of Canal Point (1977-1978) Professor of Bible and Biblical Languages, Southern Evangelical Seminary (1993-present) Religion Faculty, Liberty University, (1991-1993) Research Assistant to Dr. Norman L. Geisler, (1989-1991)

Dr. Melton B. Winstead

Dr. Melton B. Winstead Headshot

Teaching courses in World Religions; New Testament; New Testament Greek; Old Testament; and Christian Literature, NT History and Backgrounds, Dr. Winstead contributed to the Lexham Bible Dictionary in Logos and has also published essays, articles, and book reviews. Instructor of World Religions, South Piedmont Community College (2007 – 2012). Adjunct Professor of New Testament and […]

Dr. Richard G. Howe

Dr. Howe is the past President of the International Society of Christian Apologetics (ISCA). He is a writer as well as a public speaker and debater in churches, conferences, and university campuses on issues concerning Christian apologetics and philosophy. He has spoken and/or debated in churches and universities in the US and Canada as well […]

Dr. Bernard James Mauser

Dr. Bernard James Mauser

Bernard became a Christian in 1999 after trying to refute Christianity. Upon finding out Christianity is true, he went on for his first Masters at Southern Evangelical Seminary (in Christian Apologetics) and completed his second Masters and Ph.D. (in Philosophy) at Marquette University.   In addition to SES, he has taught at Marquette University, San […]