Dr. Ken Baker

Ken Baker was a church-planter in West Africa for twenty-four years, primarily in Islamic contexts. For nine years Ken was national director of Culture ConneXions, a ministry that coached churches to engage across cultures in their local communities. Ken is now Team Training & Development Lead for SIM International, which involves developing and implementing training […]

Dr. Thomas Baker

Dr. Thomas Baker

Academic Experience Associate Professor of Theology and Philosophy, Southern Evangelical Seminary (2024-). Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology, Southern Evangelical Seminary (2022-2024). Adjunct Professor, Southern Evangelical Seminary (2018-2022). Professor of Philosophy and Theology, Veritas International University (2015-2022). Ministry Experience Class Instructor, Carmel Baptist Church, Charlotte, NC (2011-2014). Class Instructor, Calvary Church, Charlotte, NC (2008-2010). Assistant […]

Dr. Fazale R. Rana

Dr. Fazale (Fuz) R. Rana

Adjunct Professor Scientific Apologetics Formerly a senior scientist in research and development at Procter & Gamble, Fuz graduated with highest honors from West Virginia State College (now University) with a BS in chemistry and went on to earn a PhD in chemistry with an emphasis in biochemistry from Ohio University, where he was twice awarded […]