Pastor Steve Hogg


Pastor Steve Hogg, SES Trustee


My wife, Monieca, and I are both Kentucky natives. We attended the same high school and her family belonged to the small mountain church I began serving as Pastor during my Sophomore year at Cumberland College. We were married in 1982 while I was attending The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, where I earned my Master of Divinity.

After graduating seminary, we moved to Sumter, SC where I served as Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church for nearly four years. Then in 1987 God led us to Rock Hill and First Baptist Church. It’s been an incredible journey, filled with surprises and great blessings.

My journey with Jesus began during my sophomore year of high school. That is when I attended church for the first time, riding a church bus to a Monday night revival service. As the saying goes, “my life hasn’t been the same since.”

I preached the first time during a youth rally when I was a junior in high school and became a Pastor when I was 19. Forty-six years later, I’m still a Pastor with a passion for preaching God’s word.

Monieca and I have two children, both of whom are married. We also have seven grandchildren: Liam, Lilianna, Emily, David, Audrey, Lydia and James.

Other things you might enjoy knowing about me are…

I’m a die-hard Kentucky Wildcat fan – GO BIG BLUE!
I fix the turkey and stuffing each Thanksgiving
I like Bluegrass music – an several other genres as well
I take a nap most Sunday afternoons
I enjoy cooking and smoking meat in my Pit Barrel Cooker
I was raised on a farm and attended a one room school in first grade
I listen to instrumental worship music when I study
My favorite gospel is Mark and my favorite epistle is I/II Timothy
My favorite Old Testament prophet is Jeremiah
I lead two D-Groups each week and get excited when I see men growing as disciples of Jesus Christ

Serves SES from Rock Hill, SC