When You Change Hearts, You Save Lives.

There has never been a more dangerous time to be in the womb.

The number of abortions in the United States is currently higher than it has been in over a decade (NYTimes).

Sixty-three percent of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal in all or most cases (Pew Research), and only five states remain where voters do not support abortion being legal in all or most cases (Public Religion Research Institute).

Perhaps most alarming, newer data shows younger evangelicals are starting to shift away from pro-life positions, with 38% of 18-35 year old evangelicals saying they favor abortion on demand (Christianity Today).

Our culture is darkening because the light of truth is going out.

That’s why for over 30 years SES has been steadfastly changing hearts by changing minds on life and death issues such as abortion.

Research by Barna has confirmed that holding to a biblical worldview has a dramatic effect not only on views of morality related to contentious issues such as abortion, but also on actual behavior.

But with only 37% of pastors having a biblical worldview, only 12% of youth pastors holding a biblical worldview, and only 4% of U.S. adults having a biblical worldview there is a desperate lack of change agents acting as salt and light to prevent cultural decay.

Every dollar you give trains defenders of the Christian faith who, with the help of the Holy Spirit, can change minds, change hearts, and effect true and positive transformation of our culture.

It will even save lives.

Generous partners who want to join hands with you to save lives through the training at SES have come forward with a limited-time matching challenge up to $60,000 through December 31st, doubling your gift.

For every $1 you donate today, we receive $2!

Please partner with SES with a special year end, tax-deductible gift of any amount right now to flood our culture with trained and equipped men and women who will lovingly stand up for the unborn.