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A Personal Tribute to Dr. Norman Geisler

As I was processing the fact of Dr. Geisler’s homegoing to be with Jesus for eternity, a flood of memories flashed across my mind. I had known about Norm since I was a seminary student in the early 1970s. Along with my fellow conservative classmates, we eagerly awaited Dr. Geisler’s latest article, tape, or book […]

Responding to NY Times Article Saying the Concept of God is Incoherent

Dr. Brian Huffling Dr. Brian Huffling’s research interests include: Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Theology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and general issues in Apologetics and Biblical studies. See his personal blog here. Twitter WordPress Linkedin In a NY Times article titled “A God Problem: Perfect. All-powerful. All-knowing. The idea of the deity most Westerners accept is actually not coherent,” Peter […]

My Discussion with Dr. Michael Shermer on God and Evil

Dr. Brian Huffling Dr. Brian Huffling’s research interests include: Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Theology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and general issues in Apologetics and Biblical studies. See his personal blog here. Twitter WordPress Linkedin Having seen Dr. Michael Shermer debate many times, I was excited to be able to get a chance to have a discussion with him. Shermer, founding […]

Why Christians Should Study Philosophy: A Reply to John MacArthur

Ambiguous or absurd statements are funny. When we don’t understand the meaning or absurdity we miss the joke. Verses in Scripture when considered alone have different meanings as well. For example, the Bible says in Psalm 14:1, “There is no God.” Many would be astonished by this phrase if they read nothing else and had […]

A Response to John Frame’s “Two Models of Divine Transcendence”

Dr. Brian Huffling Dr. Brian Huffling’s research interests include: Philosophy of Religion, Philosophical Theology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, and general issues in Apologetics and Biblical studies. See his personal blog here. Twitter Wordpress Linkedin John Frame has written a blog article titled “Two Models of Divine Transcendence: Pure Being vs. Divine Lordship.” He states, “In this paper, I will […]

Evangelical Leaders, Including Southern Evangelical Seminary President Dr. Richard Land, Release ERLC Statement on Artificial Intelligence

CHARLOTTE, N.C.—With news about artificial intelligence making headlines daily, Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES, www.staging.ses.edu) President Dr. Richard Land has signed onto and endorsed a “Statement of Principles” regarding artificial intelligence from the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. According to the ERLC, where Land is President Emeritus, “It is tempting for […]