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Barbarians are at the Gate

The barbarians are at the gate, and they are in the centers of American cities, tearing down statues and memorials representing our history and our heritage. They started with Confederate political leaders and generals. Many of us understood from the beginning that the Confederate generals were clearly a Trojan horse. Let me be clear: the […]

Slavery: The Central Reason for America?

The New York Times has now devoted huge resources to its 1619 Project, an extremely ambitious attempt to “reframe the country’s history by placing slavery at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are.” Why? Because The New York Times believes that slavery was far more than America’s original sin: […]

Every Generation Asks “Why?”

I was a mature Christian, I understood basic doctrines, … but what I didn’t know was how to articulate and explain and defend people’s questions about Christianity. Patty is a Bible teacher and former public school teacher who, in the 1990s, didn’t know how to answer the questions she was getting from converted New Agers […]

The Fourth Quarter of Life

In the fall of 2012, Gordon was sitting in his office, staring at his bookcase. He was about to turn 60, and as a devoted football fan, he began thinking about how he was entering the fourth quarter of his life. “In football, that’s when you win the game,” he said. Gordon was content where […]

Why Apologetics Is Vital for Parents

“Just because the Bible says something doesn’t make it true.” At least, that’s where Diane’s* three grown children are in their lives. Growing up with dedicated, conservative missionary parents, you would think the three siblings would have a deep faith in Jesus. All three were homeschooled, and their parents taught them the Bible diligently. However, […]