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Beyond Online Education

One of the most pivotal and intriguing moments in human history took place in mid-15th century Germany.  I have always wondered what it would have been like to be there for the Gutenberg moment, when the printing press made its dramatic entry into the world. Everything changed. Once the printing press was invented, making mass production […]

Moving Traditional Seminary Training Beyond Online Education

The year 2020 has brought new challenges and concerns to many institutions of higher learning as they wrestle with the role online education plays within their educational context. With new challenges comes the opportunity to carefully consider unique solutions. At Southern Evangelical Seminary and Bible College (SES) we have come together to think carefully about […]

Honoring Our Professors for Giving Tuesday

SES is celebrating Giving Tuesday by blessing and #HonoringOurProfessors who have equipped a generation of leaders over the last twenty-eight years! This special time represents an opportunity to come alongside those who come alongside so many. We’ve just reached $4,080 in gifts toward our goal of $10,000 for #HonoringOurProfessors with 70% of that coming from […]

Two Reasons Christians Should Be Passionate About Politics

I confess, I have never been interested in political life. All of that changed for me this year. I will be the first to admit that I still have so much to learn about politics in general (and I still do not care for it), but 2020 has been the perfect storm of insane political […]

After 2020 Election, Where Do We Go From Here?

What I feared would happen in the 2020 presidential election has happened, and no, I am not talking about whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump would win. I’m referencing the divisive and ambiguous situation we face as a nation where neither candidate has a clear victory or a mandate and where there have been widespread […]

Have Researchers Developed a Computer Algorithm that Explains the Origin of Life?

As a chemistry major at West Virginia State College during the early 1980s, I was required to take a library course on the chemical literature before I could graduate. During the class, we learned how to use the many library reference materials devoted to cataloging and retrieving the vast amount of chemistry research published in […]