Southern Evangelical Seminary Names Judge Philip Ginn as New President

In a transition that is being described by Southern Evangelical Seminary as “divinely led,” the SES Board of Trustees has named Judge Charles Philip Ginn the seminary’s newly appointed president. This news comes on the heels of Dr. Richard Land’s retirement announcement, made last month. Judge Ginn, who has until recently served as the SES […]

How Can We Describe the Indescribable God?

Mortimer Adler said, “More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than from answering any other basic question.” The popular Chris Tomlin song, “Indescribable”, poetically articulates how God is beyond our comprehension. So how can we describe an indescribable God? Thoughts about the existence and nature of God are all […]

Orthopedic Surgeon: “I Knew There Were Answers”

David laughs when asked what years he attended SES. As a full-time orthopedic surgeon, he spent 12 years earning his master’s in apologetics, graduating in 2013. When  he started back in 2001, SES consisted of some trailers behind McKee Road Baptist Church in Charlotte. He decided to enroll there after a barrage of questions from […]

The Resurrection of Jesus: The Evidential Contribution of Luke-Acts

Any discussion of the evidence for the resurrection must first ascertain what the original apostolic witnesses claimed and whether those claims are best explained by the resurrection, or by some alternative hypothesis. The contemporary discussion of the case for the resurrection has largely focused around 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, a text believed by many scholars to […]

Campus Missionary Helps College Students Answer Tough Questions

The year was 2005. I had always had a passion to share the Good News with college students. My congregation and I decided it would be good for me to try to kickstart our outreach at The Ohio State University. Ohio State is one of the largest campuses in the nation (over 60,000 students). I […]

Is Christianity a Copycat Religion?

Is there any validity to the never-ending spiral of conspiracy theories that surround the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus every Easter? This week on Why Do You Believe?, author and SES alum Allan Di Donato discusses this important topic. From the movie Zeitgeist to casual assertions from cultural commentators such as Bill Maher, accusations […]