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Is God Fading Away?

The “omnis” of theology – omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, etc. – are under increasing attack, and not just from what are recognized as more theologically liberal camps of Christianity. Examples abound – even from within evangelicalism — of various attributes of God being seemingly “picked off” by scholarly fire, or compromised among the laity to the […]

Retired University Professor Finds the Answers

He’s worked and traveled all over the place, from Seattle to Florida, picking up five degrees along the way, including a doctorate from SES at age 63. Years ago, as the director of a cardiac rehab program, Don “just had this gnawing feeling that I should be doing more for the Lord.” Don went on […]

Social Media and the Internet Sowing Racial Discontent

As racial and ethnic tensions become ever more tense, even some of the progressive left are now expressing deep concern about media’s role in “fanning the flames” of racial and ethnic hostility among their fellow Americans. The current edition of Newsweek contains a very important article written by Eric Kaufmann. The article describes the growing, […]

Southern Evangelical Seminary Names Judge Philip Ginn as New President

In a transition that is being described by Southern Evangelical Seminary as “divinely led,” the SES Board of Trustees has named Judge Charles Philip Ginn the seminary’s newly appointed president. This news comes on the heels of Dr. Richard Land’s retirement announcement, made last month. Judge Ginn, who has until recently served as the SES […]

How Can We Describe the Indescribable God?

Mortimer Adler said, “More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than from answering any other basic question.” The popular Chris Tomlin song, “Indescribable”, poetically articulates how God is beyond our comprehension. So how can we describe an indescribable God? Thoughts about the existence and nature of God are all […]