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Aquinas on Existence and the Essence/Existence Distinction

The following is an excerpt from a longer paper presented by SES Provost Dr. Richard G. Howe at a post meeting of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. The complete paper, and footnotes, can be found here. Aquinas’s doctrine of the structure of existence and its relation to essence is critical to his entire metaphysic, […]

What Does This Verse Mean to You? Some Thoughts on Understanding the Bible

In our recent live-stream about truth, we demonstrated how properly understanding the nature of truth and recognizing that truth about reality is objective and knowable are crucial in properly doing both apologetics and Bible study. We also discussed that language is capable of communicating objective truth about reality, including communication found in the Bible. Here […]

Father of Seven Graduates From SES

“I started seminary with no kids and graduated with seven.” Michael and his wife are biological parents to three, adoptive parents to two and foster parents to twins. Their household is abuzz with kids ages 15 to 10 months. “That’s why it took me a while,” he says about earning his M.Div. in Biblical studies […]

A Response to William Lane Craig and James White Regarding Divine Simplicity

Recently William Lane Craig posted about divine simplicity on his website. Adam Tucker of Southern Evangelical Seminary and I published a podcast in response. Craig then published a podcast in response to that. A few days later James White made a podcast agreeing with Craig’s objections to simplicity. While I have already responded to Craig’s specific objections […]

Rebellious Teen Enthralled by Nation of Islam Finds Truth

“In high school, I was fascinated by the Nation of Islam.” Sule moved with his family from Jamaica to Toronto when he was a child. Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan—that’s who Sule looked up to as he bought into some of their ideology. Growing up with three older brothers, he said, “Our faith was basically the […]

Never Too Old to Grow

Some people argue that seminary is the last place a person should go to get closer to God. Seminary just inflates the brain, they say, while pushing the heart away from the God it claims to help students know. But my time at Southern Evangelical Seminary drove my faith deeper as I came to know […]