Young Earth Presuppositionalism: God’s Word or Man’s Word?
By Richard Howe Ph.D, First Things The title of this work1 is occasioned by my increasing concerns about the nature and degree of the apologetic methodology known as Presuppositionalism which has seemingly become dominate among certain key Young Earth Creationists such as Ken Ham.2 The broader context within which my concerns arise has to do […]
Ice Age is Ideal for Humanity
By Hugh Ross, Ice ages are rare in Earth’s history; ice age cycles are even rarer. In the past 2 billion years, ice ages occurred in only 3 of the 21 geological periods prior to our own (Quaternary), and those ice ages were relatively brief, with each one briefer than the last. The Quaternary […]
Classical Apologetics
What is the Classical Apologetic method? Why is it crucial to the defense of the Christian faith?