The Missing Puzzle Pieces of Virtue and Intellect

Thomas McCuddy is the founder of Families of Virtue Ministries. His story began during his undergraduate years of college. Thomas was studying to become a math professor, and the majority of his classmates were Muslim, Hindu, or atheist. His interactions with them led Thomas to begin studying apologetics. He found and read different resources, mostly written by Norm Geisler. Thomas sensed a very clear calling from God to vocational ministry in 2001. This led him to pursue a further connection with Dr. Geisler. 

Eventually, Thomas met with Dr. Geisler for a meal and discussion about his next steps. From there, Thomas enrolled at SES in 2003, accepting his call to ministry and receiving the training for his new journey. After having previously contacting countless seminaries, Thomas found that most were only offering a single course in apologetics. He wanted more, and SES was undoubtedly the best option for his desired studies. 

A few months passed, and after prayer and discussion, Thomas and his wife moved from Middle Tennessee to Charlotte to begin in-person courses. At the beginning of his ministry, Thomas worked as a Youth Pastor. A consistent passion for discipleship and Biblical virtue fueled every area of life and work for Thomas. He recognized certain holes in his own church and in the ones around him. Thomas’s time at SES trained him to think deeply and continuously strengthen the muscle of his mind. He faithfully studied and grew in knowledge about virtue and intellect.  

His time in youth ministry ended in 2013, and Thomas decided to complete further training at SES. He earned his doctorate in 2020, with a focus was on philosophy. His doctoral studies have proved to be an incredible asset to his current leadership role at Families of Virtue. Launching just three years ago, Families of Virtue has made tremendous impact, especially through the team’s deep connection with a church in South Africa. 

Families of Virtue is currently writing an apologetic curriculum for a school in South Africa that will serve grades first through twelfth. Additionally, the ministry provides online resources through the Classical Virtue Academy that can be used by lay workers within churches and organizations. It is with great anticipation that the ministry prepares to share through Radio Pulpit, South Africa’s largest Christian radio station in 2025. The team will use their written content and resources to teach and encourage through this podcast-like platform. 

A question that Thomas regularly finds himself asking in the various roles of life is this: How can we serve the Church?” His time at SES revealed where the Church lacks in many ways, a primary area being the idea of virtue. His eyes were opened to the need for Virtuous Apologetics, and he has made it a mission to teach as many as possible. 

Thomas shares a story of a time that his team’s impact left him in awe of God’s goodness. A gentleman in South Africa approached Thomas after having heard a teaching from 2 Peter on virtue. The man admitted to his lack in this area and the reality that his marriage was failing as a result. Thomas took the time to hear his story, pray with him, and offer encouragement. The following year, Families of Virtue returned to the same location and learned that the man had re-proposed to his wife and found marital restoration.  

God is working mightily through the leadership of Thomas McCuddy. He expresses his gratitude for SES and the training it provided.


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