A Surgeon with Zeal for Christian Apologetics

Dr. Janet Davis is a lifelong learner with a tremendous love for Christian apologetics. In 2015, Janet married her husband Kirk after initially meeting on a blind date. For many decades, Kirk had a passion for studying God’s Word and apologetics. Each year, he attended the national conference for Apologetics. Kirk often shared about the incredible leaders who spoke each year and the new knowledge he gained. Janet was not quite convinced that her schedule allowed for a few days in Charlotte at the event. Yet, with much convincing, Janet agreed to join her husband at the conference in 2019. 

To her surprise, Janet could not get enough of the information she was hearing. In fact, when her husband was ready to head back to their home in South Carolina, Janet decided to stay for the final speaker. Dr. Stephen Cutchins led that particular session, and Janet was inspired by his understanding of Scripture. Towards the end of his talk, Dr. Cutchins mentioned that he served as a senior pastor in North Augusta, South Carolina. Janet and her husband resided very close to that area and decided to attend service the following week. The two of them became very involved and suggested a youth apologetics conference be held at their new church home. Pastor Stephen was open to this idea and worked with the couple to become a regional host location for Stand to Reason’s Reality Conference. With over seven hundred students in attendance, Kirk and Janet were amazed by how the Lord moved and orchestrated each detail along the way. 

While things were going beautifully in their new ministry context, Janet was finding herself to be discouraged in some of her personal and familial relationships. Janet’s brother is an avid atheist and has an almost overwhelming amount of knowledge to tear down faith-based arguments. In these debates, Janet began to sense a pull towards higher education in Apologetics. Southern Evangelical Seminary was her obvious choice due to the amazing conference she now attended on an annual basis. Janet enrolled in the master’s of philosophy degree program and immediately fell in love with all that she was learning. The amazement did not end there. Just after becoming a brand new seminary student, Janet received a call from her pastor and friend. Dr. Cutchins, who also serves as a board member for the seminary, extended an honorable opportunity to Janet. She was asked to become a board member for SES, and without hesitation, she gleefully accepted the new role. Within a matter of months, Janet’s life became even more intertwined with the seminary she believed so deeply in. 

Though conversations with her brother can still be difficult at times, Janet shares that her knowledge acquired through SES has equipped her and increased confidence within. “SES is the Harvard of Apologetics”, says Janet. Janet and her husband believe that there is no greater institution to learn about Apologetics because of the sound doctrine, incredible professors, and convenience of the degree programs. Janet is a full-time physician and works unpredictable hours. Yet, she shares that her classes are easily accessible through the amazing digital platform and fit into her busy schedule easier than she could have anticipated at first. 

While this family has learned under a variety of Christian teachers and leaders, Janet is most often inspired by her SES family. President Phil Ginn recently shared a powerful statement that has stayed with Janet for months. “SES is not going to stand by and watch the world waste away. We will not back down.” said Ginn. As a leader in her community and church, Janet is hopeful. “There is revival stirring, especially among the next generation,” said Janet. Through the various initiatives such as Truth that Matters and the annual conference for apologetics, Janet and Kirk are regularly encouraging those around them to involve themselves with what God is doing in and through SES. The couple expresses their gratitude to the seminary for being a source of hope and beacon of light in their lives. 


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