From Military to Missionary

Dr. Harold Felder served our country in the United States Navy, and his first duty station was the Philippines in 1982. At the time, Felder was an active atheist. While in other countries on deployment, he interacted with women at bars and lived a worldly lifestyle. “I did not want to be held accountable to anyone other than myself. I hated Christians and told anyone who believed in Jesus that there was no evidence for their silly faith”, said Felder. 

It was not until many years later in 1998 that Dr. Felder placed his trust in Christ. When he became a believer, Felder wanted to know that it was not a merely emotional experience but had true evidence to stand on. As he began studying apologetics and theology, Dr. Felder came across Norm Geisler’s books. “Everything I read really gave me a rational explanation to the faith. It did not make me a believer, but it kept me one”, said Felder. Upon moving to Charlotte in 2001 for seminary, Dr. Felder also built a wonderful relationship with Dr. Geisler, the one who had made a major impact on his faith journey. Dr. Geisler mentored him on a weekly basis in his home for years. 

Later in life, Dr. Felder worked on a local TV show for fourteen years called Giving an Answer. He did radio production as well and had the goal of sharing biblical truth to give listeners answers to their difficult questions. Today, he writes, teaches, and is on the board at SES. 

A well-known book written by Dr. Felder is called The African American Guide to the Bible. The book makes a case for the relevance of the Bible from the perspective of people of color. Dr. Felder often hears from readers about the impact that this book has made. A while back, he heard from a young lady born and raised in Africa. She shared that her husband was struggling with his faith and getting caught up in many woke ideologies pertaining to race. The woman shared Dr. Felder’s book and through it, his eyes were opened in an amazing way. He began to understand and apply the truth of God’s Word and was deeply encouraged by the resource. 

Dr. Felder is a mentor to many people of all different ages. While speaking at a ministry conference, there was a brief time of Q&A at the end of the event. A young man, around age sixteen, came to the platform. His posture lacked confidence, and he had a difficult time making eye contact with anyone off the stage. He asked, “What do I say when people tell me the Bible is a fairytale?” Dr. Felder recognized the boy’s desire for evidence and resonated on a personal level, as this was once his own story. He began to share about the prophecies that make up 1/3 of the Bible, facts on archeology, and a few other helpful arguments. Almost instantly, the young man’s posture completely shifted. His eyes lit up, and he smiled brightly at Dr. Felder. It was clear that he needed someone to come alongside him and reignite his sense of hope and belief. 

Dr. Felder’s life verse is 1 Peter 3:15 that says, “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” We pray that you are encouraged by this story of hope and Dr. Felder’s dedication to encouraging others in the truth of Christianity. 


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