The Powerful Distinction Between Lowercase and Capital “Hope”

Michael Kozlinkzi attended SES from 2001-2006. With no prior background of faith, Michael accepted Christ as a sophomore at UNC Asheville. He became hungry for answers to the questions and arguments surrounding him. Being at a secular university, Michael was regularly exposed to those who practiced other religions and even New Age practices. While on a pursuit for understanding and explanations as a brand-new Christian, Michael came across the world of Christian apologetics. As he began to study, Michael sensed God calling him to pursue a career in Biblical counseling. 

He and his wife married at the end of college and had a very important conversation about their next steps. Michael decided that he needed more of a biblical framework and foundation before immediately jumping into a counseling degree program. In a somewhat accidental way, Michael stumbled upon SES. He chose to pursue a master’s in apologetics and was quickly impressed by his three primary professors. During his time as a student, he learned an exceptional amount of content and structures. He navigated topics such as theological systems and biblical context. Michael believes that much of the foundational elements of his faith took root in his heart and mind during his time as an SES student.

Today, Michael works as a licensed Biblical Counselor. He is passionate about his work and finds it fulfilling to utilize a biblical worldview in serving clients. While the majority of licensed counselors operate within secular categories and view mental health through a more linear lens, Michael chooses to emphasize the light of God’s Word as being primary to one’s unique healing and health. Michael utilizes content and methods from his SES studies to this day.

As a Christian for over two decades, Michael is keenly aware of the darkness that exists in our society. “There is so much falsehood and utter confusion that are destructive. There has to be an oasis in the midst of the desert. SES is a place of fresh air and clear thinking. While even the Church can be weak at times, there are places that have not caved to the culture. SES is such a place”, says Michael. 

Within his counseling office, Michael makes a clear and helpful distinction between two types of hope. There is lowercase “hope” and capital “Hope”. Michael describes the lowercase hopes of our life as being not inherently bad. These things may include our jobs or relationships. Yet, capital Hope, is Jesus himself. He is the ultimate source of life, love, and satisfaction. Apart from Christ, the little hopes in life are impossibly unfulfilling. The lowercase hopes are to fit into the context around Christ at the center of it all. 

Michael finds this distinction to be highly important when encouraging clients towards true and lasting hope. The reality is, we all need something to keep us going. In a world full of darkness, Michael is committed to helping others walk in the light of Christ. He reflects on his time at SES as being a true resource in best equipping him to do the work he does today. Michael shared that he even finds himself discussing theology and apologetics outside of his counseling office with the world around him. SES increases the confidence of men and women to become bold ambassadors of God’s Word. 


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